Sarah Britton is a holistic nutritionist and chef and one of the most intuitive cooks we've ever come across. She's the founder of My New Roots and the membership platform, Grow, where she connects with an engaged and curious community intent on making better food choices every day. Sarah doesn't believe in labels or categorizing food choices, but rather commits wholeheartedly to wholefood living - eating what speaks to her body and believing that there is nothing more important to our well being than choosing nourishing ingredients and cooking them in a way that preserves their integrity.
Given Sarah's intention, wisdom, and talent, it's truly an honor not only to share our conversation, but introduce a collaborative dry-farmed heirloom mix bean variety that we've brought to market, together.
Here is a snippet of our ongoing conversation - this time between Katherine + Sarah:
Beanstory (Katherine): Sarah, I first fell for your cooking over a decade ago through your Life Changing Bread. It was a transformative recipe - clearly, as here we are today. And knowing that you’re such a fan of legumes, it’s such a thrill to be connecting with you.
Sarah Britton: Oh, you know I love a good legume! They’ve got it all - protein, fiber, nutrients, vitamins, they’re amazing for the environment - but truly, I just love the taste. They’re so versatile for cooking.
B: You’re speaking our language. Do you have a favorite bean?
SB: How could I pick just one? Maybe that’s why I love our mix - there are 7 varieties packed in there. Ha. But, no, I cook what speaks to me at the moment.

B: Tell me about that - you cook like many painters paint. Ideas flow to you and you create from there.
SB: That’s right. I’ll choose an ingredient and then wait to see how that ingredient speaks to me. I rarely follow recipes, which is funny, since I’ve written two cookbooks! But that’s really how I love to cook. Writing recipes can be challenging because I have to stop and think and write it all down.

B: Did cooking always come naturally to you? When you were a kid, is this what you knew you wanted to do?
SB: Not at all! Food wasn’t even part of the conversation growing up. My parents didn’t enjoy cooking. I literally grew up on microwaved hotdogs. No joke. But, things changed for me after living on a farm in Arizona when I discovered how amazing I felt after eating whole foods. It was a real lightbulb moment. Everything changed in that instance and I never went back.
"...I discovered how amazing I felt after eating whole foods. It was a real lightbulb moment. Everything changed in that instance and I never went back."

B: Did you feel unwell before?
SB: No, I really didn’t. As a matter of fact, I thought I felt fine. It wasn't until I swapped some things in my diet that I realized how lousy I felt before! Funny what we can get used to, or what just feels "normal" until we make changes that allow us to see the great possibilities beyond. And from there, I decided to study Holistic Nutrition and my life's path completely changed.

B: What is it that was so impactful for you in studying Holistic Nutrition?
SB: Really it was this idea that we can heal ourselves through what we eat. And it’s true. It’s worked for me. I was on the brink of going into back surgery. I was in complete agony for years with two herniated discs and doctors telling me I needed to have my spine fused! And through a lot of work - not just food, but that was a big part of it - I was able to heal myself. I want to share with people what I’ve learned and what I continue to learn.
B: Fitting that your membership platform is called Grow.
SB: Haha, yes. I don’t like the idea of being labeled in any one way. I’m always changing. Our bodies are always changing. I ate a vegetarian diet (then vegan, then raw vegan) for 23 years and now eat carefully and consciously sourced animal protein. It’s what my body needs and I want to be able to adapt without being pigeon holed into some category.
B: How do you know what your body needs?
SB: I listen. I pay attention to my body's signals. I am very in tune with what's going on in there. Meditation and breathwork have really helped me with that.
B: Okay. Explain a bit about that. You became a Breathing Facilitator about a year ago, right?
SB: Yes. Incorporating breathwork into my daily life has been another "Life-Changing" practice. I've had some of the most profound spiritual experiences by simply changing the way that I breathe.

"I've had some of the most profound spirtual experiences by simply changing the way that I breathe."
B: Well, Sarah, you’ve opened our eyes to so many different ways to tap into deeper experience. You truly embody what you practice. Thank you for guiding the way! Oh, and for developing this delicious Garlicky Mixed Bean and Fennel Stew recipe with our collaborative mixed bean variety!

Before we go…is there any advice you can offer to someone reading this on how to lead a more connected, well-balanced life?
SB: It’s really about taking care of all aspects of your body and being, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Here is my recipe for balance (most of which you’ve heard, but it really is true):
- Eat whole foods
- Drink lots of (filtered) water
- Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night
- Move your body daily
- Get out into nature
- Nurture relationships
- Let yourself feel what you need to feel
- Find gratitude

Amazing. Thank you! To learn more about Sarah and explore her world of life-changing recipes, visit My New Roots. Also check out Sarah's multi-disciplinary wellness platform, Grow - where you get access to exclusive recipes, access to live cooking classes, videos, interviews, exercise classes, and home & garden content.